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Hydromatik motoare hidraulica A4FM 22-56


The different sizes of the Hydromatik hydraulic motor A4FM at a glance:
A4FM 22
A4FM 28
A4FM 40
A4FM 56


Ordering code example:
A4F | M | 56 | 3 | 2 | W | P | Z | B | 01


Ordering code for standard program:
A4F = Axial piston unit
M = Mode of operation
56 = Size
3 = Series
2 = Index
W = Direction of rotation
P = Seals
Z = Shaft end
B = Mounting flange
01 = Service line connection


We would be pleased to maintain your hydraulic units.

Sascha Kastaun,
Vânzări Internationale

Telefon: +49 201.8 58 13-27
Formular de contact

Langenberger Str. 436
45277 Essen